Gibt es möglicherweise eine Auskunft vom GmbH-Register?

Gibt es möglicherweise eine Auskunft vom GmbH-Register?

Gibt es eigentlich überhaupt ein GmbH-Register?

Also ein Register, wo alle Firmen in dieser Gesellschaftsform aufgelistet sind? Mit dem GmbH-Register kann nur das Handelsregister in Deutschland gemeint sein. Kapitalgesellschaften, also auch GmbH usw., werden beim für deren Sitz zuständigen Registergericht geführt, im Handelsregister.
Das Handelsregister wird in Deutschland in so genannten zwei Abteilungen geführt: Die Abteilung A enthält Eintragungen zu Personengesellschaften und Einzelkaufleuten sowie zu juristischen Personen des öffentlichen Rechts.  Die Abteilung B führt alle Einträge zu Kapitalgesellschaften, also auch GmbH. Diese Abteilungen werden mit HRA bzw. HRB abgekürzt.

Welche Art von Informationen oder Auskunft erhält man von dort?

Man erhält einen Handelsregisterauszug. Aus diesem geht hervor: Firma, also der “Name” des Unternehmens, Sitz (Adresse), Geschäftszweck der Gesellschaft, Rechtsform, vertretungsberechtigte Personen (Geschäftsführer, Vorstand, Prokuristen), Stammkapital und der Tag der letzten Eintragung.
Seit der Einführung des elektronischen Handelsregisters bei den Handelsregistern in Deutschland ab 2005 gibt es formal keine Handelsregisterauszüge mehr in beglaubigter und unbeglaubigter Form, diese werden jetzt amtliche bzw. nicht amtliche Ausdrucke genannt. Allerdings ist der alte Begriff “Handelsregisterauszug” noch sehr gebräuchlich.
Der unbeglaubigte Handelsregisterauszug, heute auch häufig “nicht amtlicher Ausdruck” genannt, ist zumeist dann ausreichend, wenn Sie die dortigen Angaben ausschließlich selbst benötigen. Er ist durch uns sehr kurzfristig, oft innerhalb weniger Minuten, lieferbar. Zur Vorlage bei Banken, Versicherungen, Gerichten oder anderen Behörden benötigen Sie hingegen oft einen “beglaubigten Handelsregisterauszug”, aktuell auch “amtlicher Ausdruck” genannt. Dessen Ausstellung erfolgt ausschließlich in Papierform, von Auftragserteilung bis zur Lieferung per Post kann das zwischen drei und fünf Werktage dauern.

Diesen Auszug aus dem GmbH-Register, richtiger dem Handelsregister, können Sie direkt beim Amtsgericht / Registergericht vor Ort erhalten. Die Einsichtnahme in das Handelsregister ist umsonst und ist jedermann möglich. Einen schriftlichen Auszug aus dem GmbH-Register erhalten Sie allerdings auch bei Eigenrecherche stets nur gegen Zahlung von Gebühren. Wenn Sie nicht selbst zum Register fahren wollen, dann können Sie den Auszug auch online bestellen und wenn gewünscht umgehend von uns per E-Mail erhalten:

Auftragsformular ansehen: Auszug aus dem GmbH-Register

21 Gedanken zu „Gibt es möglicherweise eine Auskunft vom GmbH-Register?

  1. Before writing to disk, data is encoded in the “8 in 14” standard and stored in the form of land and pits. In the embossed plates, the recesses are 1/4 wavelength deep in the material of the reading laser plate (about 125 nm), as a result of the interference of light reflected from the environment and the recesses, the wave is extinguished. The pits are 500 nm wide and the track spacing is 1.6 mm. The differences in light reflection are used by the lens servo to guide the beam along the path and focus it.

  2. The rotational speed of the plate is varied such that the linear speed of the read head with respect to the track is constant and for the reading speed x1 it is in the range of 1.2 to 1.4 ms. The disc is read from the center to the outside, and the rotational speed decreases as you move away from the center of the disc.

  3. RepairCdDvD is a tool that recovers data from unreadable CD/DVD. It can help you retrieve the files from damaged CD DVD and save them to disk, the clipboard, or even the hard disk. No accumulated cost if you need more than one type media or file system supported. RepairCdDvD is a highly specialized yet easy to use media data recovery tool. It supports all disc formats and all common file systems. Insert a disc, start up RepairCdDvD and select the drive or media (if not selected already) and let RepairCdDvD mount the media. RepairCdDvD immediately shows you all the partitions or tracks and sessions located on the media, combined with all file systems that are present.

  4. The rotational speed of the plate is varied such that the linear speed of the read head with respect to the track is constant and for the reading speed x1 it is in the range of 1.2 to 1.4 ms. The disc is read from the center to the outside, and the rotational speed decreases as you move away from the center of the disc.

  5. Before writing to disk, data is encoded in the “8 in 14” standard and stored in the form of land and pits. In the embossed plates, the recesses are 1/4 wavelength deep in the material of the reading laser plate (about 125 nm), as a result of the interference of light reflected from the environment and the recesses, the wave is extinguished. The pits are 500 nm wide and the track spacing is 1.6 mm. The differences in light reflection are used by the lens servo to guide the beam along the path and focus it.

  6. Before writing to disk, data is encoded in the “8 in 14” standard and stored in the form of land and pits. In the embossed plates, the recesses are 1/4 wavelength deep in the material of the reading laser plate (about 125 nm), as a result of the interference of light reflected from the environment and the recesses, the wave is extinguished. The pits are 500 nm wide and the track spacing is 1.6 mm. The differences in light reflection are used by the lens servo to guide the beam along the path and focus it.

  7. RepairCdDvD is a tool that recovers data from unreadable CD/DVD. It can help you retrieve the files from damaged CD DVD and save them to disk, the clipboard, or even the hard disk. No accumulated cost if you need more than one type media or file system supported. RepairCdDvD is a highly specialized yet easy to use media data recovery tool. It supports all disc formats and all common file systems. Insert a disc, start up RepairCdDvD and select the drive or media (if not selected already) and let RepairCdDvD mount the media. RepairCdDvD immediately shows you all the partitions or tracks and sessions located on the media, combined with all file systems that are present.

  8. The rotational speed of the plate is varied such that the linear speed of the read head with respect to the track is constant and for the reading speed x1 it is in the range of 1.2 to 1.4 ms. The disc is read from the center to the outside, and the rotational speed decreases as you move away from the center of the disc.

  9. The rotational speed of the plate is varied such that the linear speed of the read head with respect to the track is constant and for the reading speed x1 it is in the range of 1.2 to 1.4 ms. The disc is read from the center to the outside, and the rotational speed decreases as you move away from the center of the disc.

  10. This way you get easy access, just like explorer, to all the files and folders per file system. Instead of being limited to one file system that the OS picks for you, you have access. Access data from older sessions or hidden partitions, access data that your OS (e.g. Windows) does not see or hides from you etc. Combine this all-revealing functionality with far better read and recovery mechanisms, scanning for lost files functionality, workarounds for a wide range of drive and software bugs, limitations or shortcomings and you have an enormously powerful data recovery tool. RepairCdDvD is must-have-software for every PC user and is deliberately kept low priced to be able to offer a solution for everybody.

  11. This way you get easy access, just like explorer, to all the files and folders per file system. Instead of being limited to one file system that the OS picks for you, you have access. Access data from older sessions or hidden partitions, access data that your OS (e.g. Windows) does not see or hides from you etc. Combine this all-revealing functionality with far better read and recovery mechanisms, scanning for lost files functionality, workarounds for a wide range of drive and software bugs, limitations or shortcomings and you have an enormously powerful data recovery tool. RepairCdDvD is must-have-software for every PC user and is deliberately kept low priced to be able to offer a solution for everybody.

  12. This way you get easy access, just like explorer, to all the files and folders per file system. Instead of being limited to one file system that the OS picks for you, you have access. Access data from older sessions or hidden partitions, access data that your OS (e.g. Windows) does not see or hides from you etc. Combine this all-revealing functionality with far better read and recovery mechanisms, scanning for lost files functionality, workarounds for a wide range of drive and software bugs, limitations or shortcomings and you have an enormously powerful data recovery tool. RepairCdDvD is must-have-software for every PC user and is deliberately kept low priced to be able to offer a solution for everybody.

  13. Structure of the medium, data recording Micrograph of recesses and fields Diagram of a cross-section of a pressed plate A standard compact disc, often referred to as an audio CD, stores the digital audio record in a “red book” standard to distinguish it from later variants. Compact discs are made of a 1.2 mm thick polycarbonate plate with a diameter of 12 cm, covered with a thin layer of aluminum (aluminum), in which information is contained (in the form of a combination of micro-grooves and places without them). They are read with a semiconductor laser (AlGaAs) with a wavelength of about 780 nm. The recording creates a spiral path from the center to the edge of the record.

  14. Structure of the medium, data recording Micrograph of recesses and fields Diagram of a cross-section of a pressed plate A standard compact disc, often referred to as an audio CD, stores the digital audio record in a “red book” standard to distinguish it from later variants. Compact discs are made of a 1.2 mm thick polycarbonate plate with a diameter of 12 cm, covered with a thin layer of aluminum (aluminum), in which information is contained (in the form of a combination of micro-grooves and places without them). They are read with a semiconductor laser (AlGaAs) with a wavelength of about 780 nm. The recording creates a spiral path from the center to the edge of the record.

  15. The rotational speed of the plate is varied such that the linear speed of the read head with respect to the track is constant and for the reading speed x1 it is in the range of 1.2 to 1.4 ms. The disc is read from the center to the outside, and the rotational speed decreases as you move away from the center of the disc.

  16. Before writing to disk, data is encoded in the “8 in 14” standard and stored in the form of land and pits. In the embossed plates, the recesses are 1/4 wavelength deep in the material of the reading laser plate (about 125 nm), as a result of the interference of light reflected from the environment and the recesses, the wave is extinguished. The pits are 500 nm wide and the track spacing is 1.6 mm. The differences in light reflection are used by the lens servo to guide the beam along the path and focus it.

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